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  • PriceTrack Competitor Analysis

    Auto identify your competitors and evaluate their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses with an intelligent platform.

  • PrimeWidgets – Widgets Tailored for E-commerce

    Increase customer revenue, engagement and satisfaction with easy to setup AI powered widgets.

    Trusted by Hundreds

    We periodically provide data & reports for our customers to improve their marketing strategies.

    Expand your business, maximize your profits.

    Prime Solutions is a marketing technology company that creates intelligent digital products and services running on the cloud.

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    Prime Solutions products work for you?

    Why PriceTrack

    • Seamless Market Competition Analysis Platform

      We recommend continuously competitive analysis in order to stay a head of competitors and gain reports & insights that enables organisations to act upon disruption in time.

    • Automatically Tracks Your Products & Competitors

      Our crawlers automatically & continuously track your products, analyze them and find your competitors without any manual step or service integration.

    • Alerts, Scheduled Reports, and Historical Insights

      Create customized alerts & get notified when a metric passes thresholds so you can act immediately. Download reports or view historical price changes from insights.

      Why PrimeWidget

      Easy to Set Up

      Set up your widgets by just copying and pasting a little code snippet into your page

      Fully - Customized

      Look and feel of the widgests are customized to match your online shop design.

      Analytics Integration

      Track and measure customer engagement and revenue within Google Analytics.


      No matter on which device they displayed, widgets will look consistent.


      Provide personalized shopping experience based on customer's journey.

      REST API

      Leverage widget REST API and create your own widgets for web, mobile and desktop.

      Case Studies

      • Sneaks Up How Did We Increase Purchase Rates By 66% With A Personalized Shopping Experience?

        Sneaks Up aimed to enhance the user experience on their site to improve purchase rates, exit rates, and various similar metrics.